
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ten Rainy Day Activities

1. Curl up under the covers and read a good book
I’m shooting this one out there first, because I can’t really think of a better way to spend a rainy day. Throw on your old comfy sweats, toss together a tray with hot tea or cocoa and some assorted goodies, make a soft cloud out of pillows and comforters on your bed, curl up and read away. 

2. Write
It may be tempting to get lost for hours in Facebook games and status updates, or Google away the day.  Face it, the internet is like a canister of Pringles: once you pop you can’t stop.  And truth be told, most writers write in the late fall and throughout winter.  Pull up Word, turn off your wireless, and get typing!

3. Invest in an Espresso machine
Coffee.  The best Seasonal Affective Disorder eradicator EVER.

4. Dance
Put on some good and fast beats and shake those hips!  Dancing releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that are responsible for positive moods and act as natural pain killers.  Dancing also relieves stress.  You can ad lib it and gyrate about freestyle, or take advantage of the millions of dance instructionals on You Tube.  Bonus: after a few weeks of rainy weather your waist band will be looser.

5. Train your pet
Get those treats out and train your best furry friend how to do a cool new trick.  I trained my cat how to turn on light switches on command and do multiple flips in the air.

6. Go outside anyway
Assuming it’s not a chilly or heavy rain, and there is no lightning, go ahead and go outside.  Dress in layers, bring an umbrella, and take a walk in your local wooded area (forests smell amazing when it’s raining) or workout in the park.  Once you get home and shed your sodden clothing, take a hot shower and brew hot cocoa.  Amazing.

7. Cook
Been drooling over some of the fantastic creations on those cooking shows but been too intimidated by the time necessary to put it together?  Take your rainy day and visit the local marketplace, head home and cook an amazing dish you normally would never have time for.  The best part?  Indulging in your creation afterward!  Invite a friend over for dinner, and don’t forget a nice bottle of wine.

8. Movie Marathon
Cuddle with your mate, or invite your best friend.  Be sure to have plenty of popcorn, theater style snacks, and quick finger foods available.

9. Get indoors-somewhere else
Go to the theater or symphony.  Catch a play or check out the new release at the theater.  And when was the last time you visited an arcade?  Or bowling?  You can even bring your laptop and spend the day at your favorite café.  And libraries can be pretty fun, there are always a ton of people during drizzles.

10. Make something
Learn a craft.  Or finish one you have started.  Paint, ceramics, crochet, drawing, calligraphy, scrapbooking…  the possibilities are endless.  Plus the feeling of learning something new and creating something yourself is priceless. 

I wish you a spectacular day, no matter if it’s raining outside or if you’re just having a rainy day of the soul.

What is your favorite rainy day tip?

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